As I sit here listening the the rain clink and clank against my window I am instantly transported back to yesterday. A good day. My feet found their home in the sand while I shot my friends trading tunnels in overcast glass. This lasted until Poseidon gave us wind from the south bringing the session to an end.
Burning the diesel Chevron deposited in my tank for a small fee I managed to find a fisherman dwelling on his lack of a days catch. In a way I joined him on his journey as I fished for images. Having caught my days limit I knew it was time to fire back up the diesel and continue on the days journey.
Burning the diesel Chevron deposited in my tank for a small fee I managed to find a fisherman dwelling on his lack of a days catch. In a way I joined him on his journey as I fished for images. Having caught my days limit I knew it was time to fire back up the diesel and continue on the days journey.
As darkness approached I knew there was time for one more adventure so I joined another friend and went off the grid to find the gold at the end of the rainbow. Gold we found and the two of us traded oceanic peelers until the sun breathed its final breath and we laughed our way home.